Sunday 3 January 2010

A New Day Dawns

Well here we are in 2010, way hay!
The subheading of this blog says that these are the day to day thoughts of myself but, in reality, they will likely be more sparse due to my trying to keep my screen time to a minimum.
Lack of any thoughts on a given day may also be a constraining factor.
So have I any thoughts for today?
Well, I had a look through some old photos of my local area on internets and was struck by how the area has changed in the (short?!) time since I was a nipper. Specifically how space has been filled with houses and flats, sometimes requiring the destruction of decent architecture. Makes me a little sad to think of what has been lost and how space and older buildings only seem to be seen as something to fill/knock down and fill with housing of a questionable quality.
Just finished my second reading of a book called 'Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television" By Jerry Mander, an excellent and thought provoking book which does what it says on the tin although the first argument, Mediation of Experience, is applicable to many things besides telly.
I recommend it to all.
Can't think of much else to say at the moment, dear reader, so I shall leave it at that and bid you 'Good Day!'

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